How to Install CryptoCadet Pay Button in React

Integrating the CryptoCadet pay button into your React application offers a streamlined process for enabling cryptocurrency payments. This guide will walk you through the steps to install and configure the pay button within a React project.

Step 1: Preparation

  • Visit Build Section: Navigate to and locate the installation instructions for React in the build section.

  • Project Setup: Ensure your project is set up, using tools like Vite or Create React App.

Step 2: Install Dependencies

  • Open Code Editor: Use your preferred code editor, like VS Code.

  • Install Package: Run the command to install the CryptoCadet pay button package as specified in the build section.

npm install @cryptocadet/react-crypto-pay

Step 3: Configuration in App.jsx

  • Clear Default Code: Open App.jsx and clear any default template code if necessary.

  • Import Crypto Pay Button:

import { CryptoPayButton } from '@crypto-cadet/pay-button';

Step 4: Setting Up Props

  • API Key: Retrieve your API key from the CryptoCadet settings and include it in the component props.

  • Product ID: Assign a unique product ID for each pay button if you're using multiple buttons.

  • Button Label: Customize the button label.

 return (

Step 5: Optional Configurations

  • Email and Shipping Address: Determine whether these fields are required by setting them to required or leave as an empty string for optional.

  • Styling: React allows for overriding default styles. You can create a defaultStyles object and pass it through the style prop to customize the appearance.

Step 6: Launching Your Button

  • Run Your Project: Start your application to see the pay button in action.

  • Test: Ensure the button appears as expected and prompts the user for wallet connection and other required information.


How to Install CryptoCadet Pay Button in NextJS


How to Install CryptoCadet Pay Button in Javascript