How to Change CryptoCadet Default Language
Changing the default language of the CryptoCadet Pay portal is as simple as adding one additional line of code to the CryptoCadet Pay Button component.
The lang property corresponds to the ISO 639-1 Code for the following supported languages:
- ar (Arabic)
- de (German)
- en (English)
- es (Spanish)
- fr (French)
- pt (Portuguese)
- zh (Chinese)
<link href='' rel='stylesheet'> <script type="module"> import { cryptoPayButton } from ''; cryptoPayButton({ apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', productId: 'YOUR_PRODUCT_KEY', containerSelector: 'SOME_DIV_NAME', style: null, email: 'required', shippingAddress: 'required', label: 'BUTTON TEXT' //lang property ar added for arabic lang: 'ar' }); </script>